Wednesday, September 4, 2013

#Nokia adds muscle to #Windows Phone...#Microsoft buys #Nokia!!

#Nokia adds muscle to #Windows Phone -- and #Microsoft sure needs it

Microsoft hopes to quadruple its market share in the next five years. It will be similar to #Bing having an 18 percent share of US search today. Nice effort, but not close to the dominant Microsoft of times past.
(Credit: Microsoft)
Microsoft has been very successful building its business on the backs of developers and third-party manufacturers, what the industry calls #OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Windows dominated the desktop with hordes of Windows-compatible machines from OEMs and tens of thousands of applications from developers selling into a huge market. It was the ecosystem that defined personal computing in the 20th century.
The formula hasn't worked out so well in the early 21st century. In the shift to #mobile computing, #Apple's iOS and Android have left Microsoft in the dust over the last five years. Now Microsoft is trying to muscle its mobile operating system back into relevance by acquiring cash-poor Nokia's devices and services business.
Despite outgoing CEO #Steve Ballmer's statement during the conference call Tuesday that "a number of OEMs...are more enthusiastic today than yesterday about their investment in Windows Phone," Nokia is the only muscle that Microsoft can muster to save Windows Phone from becoming a Zune, a Microsoft  #iPod competitor that failed to capture significant market share after five years of effort.
In the second quarter of 2013, Nokia accounted for more than 80 percent of Windows Phone #devices sold worldwide, but Microsoft's phone operating system had just a 3.7 percent share of the total number of smartphones sold, according to IDC. In addition,interest by other OEMs, such as LG, Huawei, and Samsung, has been lukewarm at best despite Microsoft's financial generosity, and Nokia phones becoming Microsoft's won't generate warm feelings. to see more and more related articles go here CLICK NOW

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

now available.... you have to check these out GREAT NEW #YIAH PRODUCTS JUST RELEASED

THIS IS JUST A SMALL SELECTION OF THE GREAT NEW #YIAH PRODUCTS JUST RELEASED A FEW DAYS AGO..... our range grows all the time so you will never have a dull cooking moment again. So please come on over and check out all of our amazing#international #flavours that can spice up your life and #cooking

and the good news is an  massive existing collection FOR YOUR COOKING ENJOYMENT is here CLICK NOW

#Uashmama washable paper vase

#Fathers day present....#flowers in a vase inside a #Uashmama washable paper vase.. which can be a fruit bowl or lollies or nuts or #Xmas decoration And.... so flexible

I came across UASHMAMA paper bags when I was travelling through Italy recently, I was so impressed by their simplicity and style I had to bring them home with me.
The paper is made using a virgin fibre from cultivation and NOT through deforestation, its rustic, stylish and washable. Paper that washes like fabric holding its form so it can be used over and over again, promoting #sustainability perfect for catering and #home-wares. The manufacturing process is similar to leather where the paper is stretched and tanned making it durable to withstand washing and daily use.

#YIAH smoked, orange and chili Grinder Salt REAL #OMG MOMENT HERE !

O M G You must get this #YIAH smoked, orange and chili Grinder Salt. It is to die for.

See lots more like this here CLICK NOW

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Perfect #Fathersday starter....for #brunch

Perfect #Fathersday starter....for #brunch.....toasted bread rolls.....cream cheese...lettuce and topped with premium gravadlax hand cured Tasmanian salmon...with brandy, black pepper and dill then enhanced with baby capers and a dollop of my special #YIAH enhanced sauce see more details here CLICK NOW